Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy [Belated] Valentine's Day!

All last week, I told the kids that on Friday, I would give them a kiss for Valentine's Day. Almost all of them thought I was actually going to plant a big, wet one on their faces. And they were worried. Real worried that they were going to be kissed by their teacher. So, Friday came, and I lined them all up to receive their kiss. I pretended to kiss them and gave them a hershey's kiss. I wish you could have been here to hear the laughter and squeals of delight. Delight that their teacher was actually not going to kiss them. And that they ate candy pretty much all day.


Some of their faces were so funny. And serious. And crazy.

But we all know love is crazy, right???

Happy [belated] LOVE DAY!
Camp Verde is cold these days, but beautiful. It rains weekly and makes a muddy mess. And, it snowed last week. The geese are flying overhead and landing in the hay fields behind our house.

Every other Friday, one of the ranches down the road has cowboy church. I love the sign.