Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family Photos

Yes, I am a slacker. Yes, I have limited Internet access. Yes, I have several Christmas family sessions yet to be posted.

The R family is PRECIOUS to the MAX>>>

I took these in October, and I am glad, because I HEART Fall.

Run and shoot, shoot, shoot to catch these sweet faces!

There were a lot of leaves involved.

This might be my fav fam shot of ALL TIME !!!!!!!!


get ready for my favorite shot of ALL TIME,

for realsies.

Ohhhhhhh loooooooooooooookkkk, A STICK!!!!

Hope your January was grand, looking forward to the month of LOVE!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

THE Storm.


We've had some SERIOUS weather out here this week!

I can't see the river from our road, normally. But today, I could! And it was roaring!!!

See the water closest to the bottom there? That is where the trail normally is!

Still, so pretty.

Water in a neighbors backyard...

And someone elses front yard!

Aren't the ducks PRECIOUS!?!?!?!

A new ravine...

And,,, some snow!!!!

Hope you are all well and dry!