Friday, February 8, 2008

Cinnamon Flavored Vomit

Ellen: "Madison, watch out for that room spray. It smells like vomit."

Madison: "Oh, oh. What flavor is it?"

Ellen: "Something something cinnamon flavored. Like cinnamon flavored vomit."

Madison: "Like someone ate a whole container of cinnamon and then threw it up?"

Ellen: : "Yep. Exactly."

Madison: "I think I will try it outside."

Ellen: "If you think it's best."

(Madison exits the apartment and spritzes some of the vomit stench into the air.)

Madison: "YOU ARE RIGHT! THAT IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!! ! "

(A few minutes later, Ellen forgetfully walks out the door into the cinnamon vomit stench. )

Ellen: "Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln! That stinks!"


blythe said...

ellen! how did i not know you have a blog? and what a wonderful blog!

yayyyyy blog friends.

hope to talk to you about children's books ideas soon :)

KCC said...

this is too funny, ellen. i knew you as a mere child at village and here you are in grad school.... i'll try to read so as to know what you are up to.