Saturday, April 26, 2008

Small post on the side

1.Where is your mobile phone? Coffee table
2.Your significant other? josh turner
3.Your hair? blondish brown
4.Your mother? interesting
5.Your father? snoozy
6.Your favorite thing? fishing
7.Your dream last night? I don't remember!
8.Your favorite drink? coooofffffffffffeeeeeeeeeee
9.Your dream/goal? teaching
10.The room you're in? living room
11.Your ex? oh you know...
12.Your fear? rats and other assorted rodents
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere but.... but nothing
14.Where were you last night? Holly's
15.What you're not? ridiculous.
16.Muffins? plurality of David Archuleta
17.One of your wish list items? Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 quad cab
18.Where you grew up? Los Angeles
19.The last thing you did? yelled
20.What are you wearing? sweats
21.Your TV?old
22.Your pets? chip, dakota, and shy ann
23.Your computer? Dell
24.Your life? transitional
25.Your mood? sleeeeepy
26.Missing someone? yep
27.Your car? the spaceship!
28.Something you're not wearing? underwear
29.Favorite Store? Bass Pro
30.Your summer? teaching, corralling Kindergarteners.
31.Like someone? oh sure
32.Your favorite color? 1st place: red 2nd place: orange 3rd place: yellow
33.When is the last time you laughed? 5 seconds ago
34.Last time you cried? 1 hour ago

i tag YOU.


Shannon said...

it makes me happy that you're underwearless too.

i can relate

Anonymous said...

From: Guess who?

1.Where is your mobile phone? My purse, the radio waves are giving me cancer
2.Your significant other? Mr. Kushner
3.Your hair? Brown
4.Your mother? Me in 25 years
5.Your father? Probably in The Leather Chair resting (or praying as he claims…)
6.Your favorite thing? Singing
7.Your dream last night? None
8.Your favorite drink? Peppermint Mochas
9.Your dream/goal? Travel Italy
10.The room you're in? Talbot Dean’s Office
11.Your ex? Chatted with him yesterday. Is that weird?
12.Your fear? Fish, messes, change
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? A school counselor with minimal debt
14.Where were you last night? Mi apartamiento.
15.What you're not? spontaneous
16.Muffins? I’m not sure what this is referring to…
17.One of your wish list items? New laptop and a sundress
18.Where you grew up? Redlands
19.The last thing you did? Organized the Awards folder at work
20.What are you wearing? My red graduation shoes
21.Your TV? Gets two channels
22.Your pets? Johnny Cash is a demon cat
23.Your computer? An Ancient Compaq
24.Your life? Out of control
25.Your mood? Tired
26.Missing someone? Mmmmmm….not right now.
27.Your car? Mr. Rocket
28.Something you're not wearing? A jacket. I need one.
29.Favorite Store? At the moment: Cost Plus World Market
30.Your summer? Grad school 3 nights a week. Oh, and working, hanging out with the bf, and mourning the loss of all my friends as they MOVE AWAY>>>>
31.Like someone? I normally like people ;)
32.Your favorite color? Green, the color of nature and freshness
33.When is the last time you laughed? An hour ago.
34.Last time you cried? Thursday.

dean said...

what do you mean that I am "snoozy?"